In the field of Economic History, research and teaching are focused on integrative and disintegrative economic processes throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, on economic–political relations, forms of economic modernization and stagnation, questions of economic growth and crises, and transfer of economic and technological innovations.
Prof. Drahomír Jančík
(Modern Economic History, Banking History, History of Economic Theory)
Prof. Ivan Jakubec
(Modern Economic History, History of Technology, History of Transportation and Infrastructure)
Prof. Eduard Kubů
(Modern Economic History, History of Agrarianism, Economic Nationalism)
Barbora Štolleová, Ph.D.
Modern Economic History, History of Agriculture under Capitalism, War- and State-regulated- Economy)
Social History focuses on central social and social–political processes in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, especially in the multiethnic Central European context; history of the public sphere; new social movements; transformation of values; social consent and disorder; and legitimacy of an order.
Prof. Jiří Štaif
(Modern Social History, Czech National Society in the Nineteenth Century, History of Elites, Intellectual History)
Assoc. Prof. Michal Pullmann
(Modern Social History, Social History of Communist Dictatorships, Methodology of Social History)
Assoc. Prof. Jakub Rákosník
(Modern Social History, History of the Welfare State, Social Theory)
Matěj Spurný, Ph.D.
(Modern Social History, Nationalism and Multiethnicity in the Czech lands in the Twentieth Century, History of Modern European Dictatorships)
(Economic and Social History of Central and Eastern Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, History of Cooperatives)