Prager WISOHIM/Prague ESHP is a scientific foreign language peer reviewed journal dealing with economic and social history; it has been published by the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Economic and Social History since 1994. The journal aims to inform foreign specialists about the latest results of historical research in the Czech Republic. It also contains the contributions of foreign researchers, usually those presented on faculty soil. The journal is annotated by leading European scientific periodicals.
The journal has been published since 2009 twice a year as a standard scientific journal (ISSN 1803-7518).
Author Instruction
We accept original scientific papers and research studies only, based on the original research of the author mainly on the field of the modern economic and social history (18. – 20. century). We accept also reviews, reports on the present literature and scientific event reports.
Extent of papers
- Up to 30 standard pages – Papers, Articles, Essays, Research Studies
- Up to 10 standard pages – Reviews, Reports
- We accept as a supplement also tables, graphs and diagrams.
We require…
- contributions and supplements in standardized electronic format (MS Word 97-2003)
- plain text in simple arrangement
- scientific referrences
- particularly contributions in English, German or French
- summary in extent of 1 standard page
- author’s contact (Address
Peer Review
- Approximately one third of received contributions is usually sent back to the authors on the grounds of necessary revison, finalization or are directly turned away.
- If the contribution is not turned off by the Editorial Board immediately, it will be reviewed by two independent experts and finally either accepted, accepted with qualification or turned away.
- The last word in the peer review has the Editorial Board.
Malpraxis Statement
In our editorial work we follow internationally recognized ethical principles and rules – Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
Charles University in Prague,
Faculty of Arts,
nam. Jana Palacha 2,
116 38 Praha 1
Editorial Office
Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Arts
Institute of Economic and Social History
nam. Jana Palacha 2
116 38 Praha 1
Doc. PhDr. et JUDr. Jakub Rákosník, PhD. et PhD.
Tel.: +420 221 619 713, Fax: +420 221 619 717
Editorial Board
Director of Editorial Board
Director of Scientific Circle of Consulting Experts
Prof. PhDr. Ivan Jakubec, CSc.
Distribution is organised on behalf of Research Department and Institute of Economic and Social History